With loan restrictions tightening and interest rates skyrocketing, securing money from banks, credit card companies, or private investors is near impossible. But it is the season for one source of funding: Home equity loan rates are falling and home equity lines of credit are slipping. As a real estate owner making monthly payments, you are building up equity in your property—money that could be used to invest elsewhere. Now, the only questions are how to pull it out and where to invest it.
How to Use the Equity in Your Home or Business Today to Invest for Tomorrow details the steps to increasing your equity and leveraging it to make it work for you. You will learn invaluable skills and options for investments, such as starting a business, investing in real estate, purchasing stock portfolios, renovating your home, and saving for educational expenses. Along with the benefits of investing equity, this book also addresses the problems you may face along the way and how to overcome the common mistakes.
This book is the ultimate resource for novices and pros alike. Equity in a home or business that is idly sitting does not make you money. With How to Use the Equity in Your Home or Business Today to Invest for Tomorrow, learn how to put it to use today and watch your wealth build.